
Sascha makes unique and personalized memorials from different materials, including glass, stone mosaic, stainless steel and brass.

"It must be an object with a different dimension."

Through conversation with loved-ones, Sascha creates memorials which best represent the deceased, and their survivors' memories. Creating this monument is an important part of the grief process.

"Create a final resting place where it is good to be."

Glass is the perfect material for creating memorials. It is transparent, laminated and colorful. It can encase any substance, such as the deceased's hair or ashes. Prints can be immortalized in glass. Colored images are subtly blended to be colorfast and weather-resistant. Combining glass with other materials, such as mosaic, stainless steel, brass or concrete can enhance the image. Each monument is unique, and can only be made once.


Glaslandschap Glaslandschap Gedenkteken Gedenkteken Herinneringmonument Urn glasfusefoto Urn glasfusefoto As huisje Gedenkmonument Bloem Herinneringsmonument Grafmonument Ashuisje Graficoon Vlinder Herinneringsmonument Graficoon Gedenkmonument Herinneringsmonument Graficoon glasvlinder Herinneringsmonument glasvlinder Herinneringsmonument Foto op glas Glas urn 1 Glas urn 2

Dorpsstraat 59
3732 HH De Bilt

Tel.: +31 (0)30 2201266
Mob.: +31 (0)6 40222416
Mob: +31 (0)6 26484574

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